NOTICE: ASI(Inc) is not in compliance with stack opacity regulations...DAILY !
Ontario Regulation 507/09, s. 32 (1)...
Opacity (1) No person shall cause or permit an emission into the air that, during a period of six consecutive minutes, obstructs the passage of light at any point by an average of more than 20 per cent.
Ontario Regulation 419/05...
Obligations under another Act; failure to operate in normal manner 35. (1) A person who causes or permits the emission of a contaminant from a stationary source of air pollution shall, if a contravention of section 33 or 34 may occur as a result of an obligation arising under another Act or a failure to operate the stationary source of air pollution in the normal manner, (a) immediately notify a provincial officer of the particulars of the obligation arising under the other Act or the failure to operate the stationary source of air pollution in the normal manner;
Ontario Regulation 419/05...
Miscellaneous Prohibition of certain emissions 33. No person shall cause or permit to be caused the emission of any air contaminant to such extent or degree as may, (a) cause discomfort to persons; (b) cause loss of enjoyment of normal use of property; (c) interfere with normal conduct of business; or (d) cause damage to property. O. Reg. 419/05, s. 33.
"ECA" A MECP Certificate of Approval (formerly known as an Environmental Compliance Approval or ECA) is a permit issued by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) in Ontario, Canada1. This certificate allows businesses to operate facilities or sites with environmental controls that protect human health and the natural environment2. It's required for activities that could impact air, noise, waste, and sewage2.